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👀 Overseerr Module

The Overseerr module will enable you to request movies and series directly from your Homarr dashboard.

After choosing the correct type, you can search for content:

It displays, which content is already in your Overseerr library and links availble content directly to your Plex or Jellyfin instance.

Initial setup

Installation of Media Server

The Overseer integration supports both Overseer and Jellyseer, a fork of Overseer compatible with Jellyfin.

Install Plex on your machine using your preferred installation method:
We recommend the installation using Docker for the easiest and fastest installation.

Installation of Media requester

After you have your Plex instance up and running, you must install Overseer as your media request application. Please read the official documentation of how to install Overseerr on your machine:

Activate the module

Click on the settings on the top right. Toggle the checkbox to enable the Overseerr module: overseer module checkbox in the settings

Add your service in Homarr

After the module was enabled, add the service to your Dashboard.

Select Overseerr in the service type for your Overseerr service.
Fill our the field Api token with from the link below, when having Overseerr as the service type selected.

Searching for a movie / series

To search for a movie or series, simply press CTRL + K or click into the search box. Then, type !os (with a space at the end) and enter, what you want to search for.

The integration will display, what content is already available in your media library.

Seasons selection

If you're selecting a series, you'll be asked what seasons you want to request:

season selector